
Decision Evaluation in Encrypted Domain

View the Project on GitHub rajesh-krishnan/deed

“Decision Evaluation in Encrypted Domain” (deed) is an approach for securely evaluating encrypted Boolean expressions on encrypted bits without decryption. This is a Java implementation of the approach described in the paper below. We also provide a quick Javascript demo here.


  1. Rajesh Krishnan, and Ravi Sundaram, “Evaluating Encrypted Boolean Functions on Encrypted Bits: Secure Decision-making on the Black side,” SPIE Defense Sensing+Security (DSS) 2013, Baltimore, MD, USA, April 29 - May 3, 2013
  2. Rajesh Krishnan, and Ravi Sundaram, “Secure and scalable match: overcoming the universal circuit bottleneck using group programs,” PoPETs, 2015(2):244-262, 2015